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Selectmen minutes December 23, 2002
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, December 23, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: James F. Morey, Chairman; James M. Hardy, Clerk; Eric W. Greene
        Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
        Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Members of the East Bridgewater Housing Authority, Robert Alexander and Connie Boni met with the Board relative to the vacancy on their Board.

Mr. Alexander explained that one of their members, Marsha Egan, has moved to New Hampshire and therefore is no longer a registered voter/resident of East Bridgewater. Noted that George Braddock has expressed an interest in being appointed to fill the vacancy; noted the many community activities that Mr. Braddock has taken part in. Explained that there will be two Housing Authority positions on the ballot, a one-year to fill this vacancy and a three-year, which was Ellis Fanning’s position, which has been filled by Beverly Fanning. Noted that Mrs. Fanning plans to run for the three-year term.

Selectmen also noted Mr. Braddock’s activities within the town and expressed their pleasure that he was willing to be a member of the Housing Authority.

M/Alexander, s/Hardy, move to appoint George Braddock as a member of the East Bridgewater Housing Authority to fill existing vacancy until the April 2003 Town Election.

Mr. Alexander informed the Board of work being done at the Riddell Road complex. Noted that paving of roadway and parking lots will be completed as soon as weather allows; no cost to town; part of state funding.

Public Hearing
A Public Hearing was called to order for the purpose of discussing the Class II and Class III licenses for All Foreign Auto Salvage, 300 Thatcher Street.

Present was Det. William Shaw, EBPD

Det. Shaw explained that the Police Department had concerns with excess autos on Class II area of licensed property. This problem has been rectified. Stated that at this time the property is in compliance. Recommended that the license be approved and issued with provision that a revocation of license will be done if licensee does not stay in compliance.

Mrs. Grabau noted that the Fire Chief had sent a letter to Board, today, stating that as of this afternoon, Mr. Ferri had sufficiently resolved concerns and has created acceptable means of ingress and egress for safety vehicles. Also noted that the Class III license has a restriction, which reads, “A 16” wide unobstructed access road shall be maintained 24 hours per day and shall also run from the rear of the building extending to the most southerly portion of the property. No vehicles to be stored or displayed within 10” of the building.”

Board of Selectmen                              -2-                            December 23, 2002

M/Greene, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the following licenses:
        LICENSE #18     
       All Foreign Auto Sales & Service, Inc.       300 Thatcher Street                
        Restriction:   1.  36 cars maximum designated "for sale
                             2. Lighting to be maintained       
                             3. Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon – Sat

        LICENSE #2
        John Ferri dba All Foreign Auto Salvage, Inc.
        300 Thatcher Street
        E. Bridgewater, MA 02333
        Restrictions: 1.  Hours: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday - Saturday
                             2.  All dismantling of parts/cars to be done within a building or on a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        concrete slab with oil, gas and other fluids being put in barrels
   3. A solid fence 8” in height on the front of the property and 100” back from
               street on both sides; entire property to be suitably fenced; all vehicles
               and parts to be stored within fenced area.
   4. A 16’ wide unobstructed access road shall be maintained 24 hours per
                day and shall also run from the rear of the building extending to the                    
                most southerly portion of the property. No vehicles to be stored or
                displayed within 10’ of the building.
with current restrictions as noted above and a letter to be sent to Mr. Ferri noting that a revocation hearing will be held for any restriction violation.


John Haines met with the Board relative to signing a contract.

Mr. Hardy explained that the Board was entering into a contract with Mr. Haines for his appointment as Temporary Highway Surveyor, Overseer of Solid Waste and Recycling. It was noted that this contract was for the period of until the Town election on April 12, 2003.

Mr. Haines thanked the Highway Department employees for their assistance during the transition.

M/Hardy, s/Greene, for purpose of discussion, move to enter into an employment contract with John Haines as Temporary Highway Surveyor and Overseer of Solid Waste/Recycling for the period of December 23, 2002 to April 12, 2003.

It was noted that the Board had voted at last weeks meeting to designate the positions of Tree Warden, Highway Surveyor and Overseer of Solid Waste/Recycling as Special Municipal Employees. Town Clerk has been notified of the Board’s vote.

VOTE: Yes – Greene, Hardy, Morey; a unanimous vote in favor.

M/Hardy, s/Greene, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the December 16 meeting.

Board of Selectmen                 -3-                      December 23, 2002

Executive Secretary Report
Explained Mass. Housing Fund for soft second loans; can join consortium in Taunton; Pro-Home Inc. provides the assistance. No funds are required from Town; funds are through the Community Development Block Grant program. Explained that Pro-Home underwrites 20% of mortgage to eligible participants.

Mr. Greene noted that this program can be counted by Town as providing affordable housing.

M/Greene, s/Hardy, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Executive Secretary applying on behalf of the Town for participation in the Soft Second Loan Program/Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund.

Mr. Greene suggested that once the Town is a member of this consortium that information relative to applying for loans be placed on cable.

        Recycling week – end of week will be one day later
        Wishing Well – a donation was made to the HUGS giving tree; noted that money in well is
collected on a regular basis.
        Reminder to residents that no tax, excise, etc bills should be placed in the wishing well;
noted that a lock box is available at main entrance to town hall.

Mr. Greene noted letter from DEP regarding Municipal Recycling Data Report. Asked that the board review the report prior to sending it to DEP. Mr. Botelho will contact Mrs. Feeney regarding report.

Open Forum
No one was present.

M/Hardy, s/Greene, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining issue and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE; Yes – Greene, Hardy, Morey; a unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

        Board of Selectmen